Saxx underwear
by Stephen Garner

Saxx underwearSaxx Underwear is overhauling its marketing strategy with a new purpose-driven approach that directly supports positive change in the world. The brand is now channeling marketing resources into impactful initiatives, investing in a collective of men who are some of today’s global change-makers.

Saxx kicks-off this new strategy with three inspirational men, who are working every single day to solve problems that can help save our planet. The brand has made these men the forefront of its new campaign and is investing various resources to help support and propel these change-makers’ inspirational missions.

These change-makers are Topher White, a man on a mission to stop illegal deforestation through the organization Rainforest Connection; Cesar Jung-Harada, who is developing ways for humans to better understand coral reefs through less-damaging ways with his company Protei & Maker Bay; and Dylan Jones, who is developing protein powders, bars and chocolates to help promote a cleaner form of protein in the world with his company Coast Protein.

“As a brand and a product, we equip men to tackle everyday challenges,” said Braden Hoeppner, chief marketing officer at Saxx. “Now it’s time we not only support them physically, but we also inspire them to create the change they want to see in the world. In today’s environment, can you imagine what impact we could have if more businesses dedicated marketing dollars to impacting positive change?”